Season 3 of the renowned American Horror Stories spinoff anthology has returned, unveiling a quartet of chilling new installments. Once again, FX/Hulu entrusted us with the task of crafting a promotional video that seamlessly weaves together the thematic threads and characters explored throughout this season.
Our creative strategy was to construct a dynamic motion piece that traveled through the key elements of each episode. In doing so, we sought to establish a visually striking universe that encapsulates the look and feel of this frightening new selection of horror tales.
Prior to embarking on production, FX furnished us with multiple 3D photogrammetry scans featuring the actors and props from the episodes. We were therefore able to work on an entirely CG-based workflow with our in-house team of 3D animators and designers, building surreal transitions that would have otherwise been impossible to achieve through a traditional live-action shoot. This approach also allowed us to carefully art direct the look and feel of the piece, purposefully curating each source of light, every object, and every camera angle with precision, all in service of achieving the desired style and movement.
FX Credits: Stephanie Gibbons – President, Strategy, Creative and Digital Multi-Platform Marketing, FX Steve Viola – SVP, Design & VFX, FX Amie Nguyen – VP, Motion Design, FX Dara Barton – VP, Design & VFX, FX Mike Parks – Director, Content Design, FX Ryan Hunnewell – Art Director, Motion Design, FX Nahara Pacheco – Sr. Designer, Motion Design, FX Evan Jackson – Producer, Motion Design, FX Key Art Concept by FX Print Design ONESIZE Credits: Creative Direction: Kasper Verweij, Production: Pepijn Padberg, 3d Design & Animation: Boy Guchte, Almar Sloot, Hein Hamers, Matthew Shoen, Heerko Groefsema, Roald van der Meer, Rigging / Retopo: Jasper Hesseling, Animatic: Rogier Hendriks. 3d design & Animation Tapeworm : Noise