G4 CES '09 Styleframes
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Layers of technology for CES'09 pitched to G4 TV

We pitched design treatments for the Consumer Electronics Show 2009 on G4 TV. CES is the sum of all consumer technology and development, including all its history. "A little history in technology" is the tag line behind this concept. In this case, the concept of "layering" technology is visible throughout the whole package.

Client G4 Network
Date Juni 2008
Role Concept, Design
  • Production Details

    Pitched styleframe

  • Production Details

    Pitched styleframe

  • Production Details

    Pitched styleframe

  • Production Details

    Pitched styleframe

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Pepijn Padberg Executive producer pepijn@onesize.com
Onesize studio
Generaal Vetterstraat 33a
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Phone +31 (0)20 693 23 00
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