O'Neill Evolution promo
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Onesize animates for O'neill's Evolution Event 2009

It was a challenge to create an action packed spot with the limited material we were given (some stills and design direction). Nevertheless, the trailer/billboard for the O'Neill Evolution 2009 snowboard event was great fun and featured a powerful sound track by Studio Takt.

Client O'Neill
Date Juni 2008
Role Design, Animation
Audio Studio Takt
Format HD 720p

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The Netherlands
Pepijn Padberg Executive producer pepijn@onesize.com
Onesize studio
Generaal Vetterstraat 33a
1059 BT Amsterdam
Phone +31 (0)20 693 23 00
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Michele Maples Executive producer michele@onesize.com
1615 16th street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone +1 31 310-314-0200

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